02 – Engineering, Procurement & Construction Management


  • Engineering, procurement, construction management (EPCM)
  • Client/Owner representative
  • Progress reporting (scope, schedule & cost)
  • Implementation programs
  • Capital cost estimates

Previous Work

  • Engineering:
    • Co O Mine E15 Shaft temporary project infrastructure, shaft sink, winder, winder house, headframe, conveyances, ropes & attachments, drawbridges, lower shaft steelwork, shaft excavation, level excavations, lower shaft steelwork excavation, implementation program, capital cost estimate & reporting
    • Co O Mine Level 8 Pump Station mining/civil/mechanical/electrical, implementation program, capital cost estimate & reporting
    • Co O Mine W60 surface ventilation fan mechanical/electrical, implementation program & capital cost estimate
    • Ballarat East Golden Point Shaft site setup, shaft sink mining/civil/mechanical/electrical, implementation program, capital cost estimate & reporting
    • Leviathan Mine inline chute mining/civil/mechanical/electrical, implementation program & capital cost estimate
    • Olympic Dam Expansion Project Clark Shaft sink, ore passes & inline loading chutes, materials handling system, ventilation system, backfill system & infrastructure excavations, implementation program, capital cost estimate & reporting
  • Procurement:
    • Co O Mine E15 Shaft temporary project infrastructure, shaft sinking equipment, winder, winder house, headframe, conveyances, ropes & attachments, drawbridges, lower shaft steelwork, shaft excavation, level excavations, lower shaft steelwork excavation schedule control, cost control and reporting
    • Co O Mine Level 8 Pump Station mechanical/electrical, schedule control, cost control and reporting
    • Co O Mine W60 ventilation fan mechanical/electrical, schedule control, cost control and reporting
    • Ballarat East Golden Point Shaft surface temporary infrastructure, shaft sink, schedule control, cost control and reporting
  • Construction:
    • Co O Mine E15 Shaft temporary project infrastructure, shaft sink, winder, winder house, headframe, conveyances, ropes & attachments, drawbridges, lower shaft steelwork, shaft excavation, level excavations, lower shaft steelwork excavation, scope control, schedule control, cost control & progress reporting
    • Co O Mine Level 8 Pump Station, scope control, schedule control, cost control & progress reporting
    • Co O Mine: W60 ventilation fan scope control, schedule control, cost control & progress reporting
    • Ballarat East Golden Point Shaft temporary project infrastructure, shaft sink, scope control, schedule control, cost control & progress reporting
    • Olympic Dam Expansion Project: Ore passes, inline chute chambers rail haulage level, dump station/crusher, transfer level, fine ore bins and loading station excavations, scope control, schedule control, cost control & progress reporting